NEW item/weapon location FAQ 9, Knight's crest (you can't use it freely in normal mode) come with Wallace
chap 16E/17H, knight's crest and Hero's crest found in chests
chap 17E/18H, guiding ring steal from the boss/the enemy next to the boss
chap 18H, Elysian Whip, steal from enemy pegasus knight
chap 18E/19H, Orion's Bolt
, boss
chap 18G E, Elysian Whip, one of the pegasusknighs(Hard mode only)
chap 19E/20H, guiding ring, chest
chap 20E/21H, Elysian Whip visit one of the houses, hero's crest steal from the boss
chap 21E/22H, knight's crest, on the boss
chap 22E/23H, guiding ring, hero's crest, ocean seal all found on the gound(see the other topic for a map)
chap 23E/24H, Earth seal, Orion's Bolt
visit the houses
chap 24E/26H, Heaven Seal given at the beginning
chap 25H, Elysian Whip visit the house
chap 25E/27H, guiding ring/hero's crest depending on which route you got, found in chest
chap 26E/28H, earth seal/Elysian Whip depending on what mode it is, steal from enemies
Heaven Seal after finished 26E/28H
chap 26G E/28G H, Fell Contract, on the boss
chap 27E/29H, guiding ring/Orion's Bolt
depending on game mode, from one of the enemies
chap 30E/32H, earth seal, given at the start
all promotions item can be brought in different secret shops, see the other topic on that